Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Refer to Blog Name (aka I'm still here)

Ok everyone, I finally got an internet modem for my computer so I will be able to keep you updated more!
It has been a crazy 2 weeks filled with meeting new people, language classes, technical classes, learning about Mozambique and the PC, and exploring this new place (Namaacha) that I will call home for the next few months.  I have some blogs that I wrote throughout the last few weeks that I have posted to catch you up and I will be able to post more often now.

Let me just say that Mozambique is beautiful and I absolutely love it and the people so far.  The language barrier is the biggest challenge for me, but I have made a lot of improvement from when I first got here.  I have to keep reminding myself that I have only been here for 2 weeks and really I have only been learning the language for about a week.  When I started I could barely understand anything people said, and was only speaking the very few spanish words I remembered.  Now I am able to speak in some complete sentences and get my point across, as well as I understand WAY more now.

That is all for now!

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