Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Está frio

Ok So I'm back, just want to give you a little update before I post about my life.  Internet here is very, very different from in the states... and I think I've finally got it figured out.  Basically I have this little modem thing (basically a USB drive) that has a sim card in it.  Yep, thats right, like what you put in a phone.  And I buy credit from a guy on the street wearing a vest with one of the phone companies.  Yes, it feels like what I'd imagine a drug deal feels like.  It doesn't matter if it is the correct company cause each guy has all three companies, Vodacom, Movitel, and MCell.  You buy different incraments of meticias (the currency here).  When you hand over the correct amount of Mets the vest wearing guy hands you a teeny tiny scratch off card.  The card has a Pin number under the scratch off stuff and if you are buying it for phone credit you put this Pin into your phone with another number and call and boom you have credit.  For Internet you do the same thing on your computer and then you have to text (all on a program on your computer) a number with which internet package you want.  You can get so many MB for X amount of time (a day, a week, or a month).   Then finally you have internet.  It took me a little bit to figure out how to convert the Meticias credit into MB, but we had a current PCV come to training and he explained it with nice charts for us to copy.  So this is why I have been MIA from the internet for a while and hopefully that won't happen again.

I don't really know what write about right now, so I will probably mainly post for the sake of letting you all know that I am alive and well.  I still love it here, minus the fact that it has been raining on and off since Saturday.  Also... Mozambique is COLD!  Ok not like Iowa winter cold, but when it's been raining and you don't have heat in your house and the temperature is in the 50s... it's cold.  Also since you were moving to Africa, so you brought mostly short sleeved things and skirts... it gets cold!  But apparently the weather is supposed to get better Thursday and Friday, and it will probably be 100 degrees!  It is a little different in Namaacha where I am staying currently because we are in the mountains and the weather is very very random.   Literally one morning I woke up and got ready to go to class and it was misting and cold.  Then around 12 when I went back home for lunch it was sunny and very warm.  Then about an hour later it was freezing.  Basically I've learned to always have at least a sweatshirt if not your raincoat with you at all times here, because you never know what the weather is going to do.

Last weekend a group of us climbed to the three points.  This is where Swaziland, Mozambique and South Africa all meet.  It was a long hike, I'd say it took about 2 hours both ways and was well worth it. It was beautiful.  I am constently blown away by how pretty it is here.  I love the mountains (minus the effect it has on the weather).  We hung out at the top for a while and enjoyed our lunche (snack in portuguese) then hiked back down.  I don't really know what to write about it so I'll just post some pictures now.  

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