Sunday, July 6, 2014

Everything the light touches is our kingdom.

Disclaimer... this post was written at the end of April... and for some reason I never posted it.  so when it starts last saturday that doesn't actually mean yesterday or last week.  It means about 2 months ago... anyway here it is)

Last Saturday, Rich (our site mate/neighbor), Sam and I finally went for a hike up what we call Church Mountain.  I guess it is mountainish, but I’d say it’s a very big hill.  At the top, you guessed it, is an old small church built a while ago.  It was absolutely beautiful up there and we were able to see so much of our beautiful site. 

We left the IFP around 7:30am and started the trek to the base of the mountain.  It isn’t too far from the IFP and probably only took about 15-20ish minutes to get to the trail.  Finding the actual trail was difficult, it was very grown over and neither Sam nor I knew where we were going, but don’t worry Rich found it and we started the hike.  It was a fairly easy hike to the top, minus one part that had all the tall grass and other plants flattened and was very steep.  It didn’t help that it was still early and the grass was wet, so that part was a little slippery and we had to be careful not to slip and slide all the way back down.  No worries though everyone (ie Mom) we made it safely up and were a little concerned about the way back, until we realized there was a much easier path that we had missed on the way up.  I don’t want to think about how the people who built the church were able to get all the materials to the top, I’m just glad it wasn’t my job.  It was so pretty at the top, there is something about old buildings that I just love, they are just beautiful.  Instead of trying to describe everything I’ll just post some pictures.

See that white grouping of buildings... that's the IFP
Gosh this place is BEAUTIFUL!

The Church at the top of the mountain

The church at the top of the mountian... not sure how they got the materials to build it all the way up there... 


Take a look out that window...

The other side

On the side of the church... 

 Look, Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom. (a Lion King reference felt appropriate while we were sitting up there on the ledge) 

An ants view...

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