Monday, November 18, 2013

Here comes the sun …

A few of us have talked about going to the “Tres Fronteras” (Three Boarders) for the sunrise for a few weeks now.  And we finally got a group of people to wake up super early and hike in the dark (sorry Mom, it turned out fine so you don’t have to worry… even though I know you will, that’s why I’m telling you after the fact) this last Sunday.  So we ended up having a group of about 12 going waking up and meeting at 3:30 am to head out.  We ended up hustling because the sun was supposed to rise at about 4:45 and we didn’t want to miss it.  So here is a group of about 12 malungos (white people) running down the road with backpacks at 3:30 am to get to the trail as fast as we can to start the hike, it's about 2.5 miles to the trail from where we met.!  Then we walk the long and difficult hike part way in the dark and by the time we were half way up we could turn off our flashlights and see just fine.  We hike and some of the group made it all the way to the top in time for the sunrise, but a few of us stopped about 5 minutes down to see the sunrise.  It was absolutely beautiful and amazing to see and well worth getting up so early and hiking in the dark.  We brought along a bunch of pão (bread), Black Cat (the peanut butter here), M&M’s, a French press and some coffee, and a bottle of wine and had a little feast to the sun rise and some music.  And then continued to hang out on top of the mountain for about 5 hours.  So instead of writing more, I think I will just post some pictures because they will do it much more justice then if I tried to describe it!  This is probably my favorite memory from PST…. At least so far!
Here comes the sun

Justin making some coffee for us

Always interesting things found at the top of the mountain... this time some wishes...

The wishes


  1. You're right, I would have worried, but after the fact, I'm glad you got to experience such a wonderful sight with your friends. You just keep amazing me!! Thanks for sharing ~ Love, Mom

  2. Caitlin, this is my favorite! So beautiful (and it kind of reminded me of the Lion King movie - same landscape!)

    I love reading your posts - keep them coming friend!

    1. Thanks Emily... and don't worry I was definitely singing the lion king song!
