Monday, September 23, 2013

Here we go!

So the day has finally arrived and I am starting my Peace Corps adventure.  I have been talking about doing this for years and actually planning it for about a year and a half!  I filled out the application in March of 2012 and didn’t find out I was going to Mozambique and what I’d be doing there until the end of March 2013.  Within that year, my time planning for the PC (Peace Corps) was filled with lots of forms to fill out, a 2.5 hr phone interview at the end of January 2013, and A LOT of waiting to hear something.  A week after my interview I was given a nomination for a program in Education tentatively leaving in September of 2013.  Yes this is the only information I had, and it was given with the unofficial slogan of the Peace Corps (at least in my opinion) “Please keep in mind that this information could change”.  I then had more waiting and at the end of March I was finally officially Invited to serve in Mozambique as a English Teacher Trainer, with a tentative stating (orientation) date of Sept. 24, 2013 and a flight arriving in Mozambique on Sept 26th, again given the “these dates could change until you get the official email”.  After this invitation I had lots of medical forms and appointments, so the Peace Corps basically would know everything there is to know about me!

I am now on my way to Philadelphia for staging.  I have managed to fit about 80lbs of checked luggage divided between 2 bags, plus a carryon and my purse. 
The hardest part of this process so far has been packing. Honestly I am an awful packer, I usually wait until the last minute (started a little earlier in this process but not much) and completely over pack.  At least I made a very comprehensive list of what to bring, but now looking back, didn’t really look at it when I was actually packing… ooops!  It honestly is what caused me the most stress and nerves.  Trying to figure out how to fit everything I thought I’d need into these 3 bags was tough.  I ended up taking out a lot of clothes and a few other things I wasn’t sure I’d need and figured I could get here.  I hope I don’t regret any of my last minute cuts.  O well, I’m sure I can figure out a way to live without them over the next 2 years. 

Well I think that’s enough of my boring details for now.  I just want to say thank you to everyone for an amazing last summer filled with lots of time with friends and family, got to partake in the annual girls weekend in Waupaca, see BEYONCE in concert with my best friends, go to one last Iowa Hawkeye tailgate, be a part of one of my best friends’ wedding and so much more! It was the perfect summer before this next big adventure. 

As my title suggests, one of the objectives of this blog is to let my friends and family know how I’m doing… because as most of them know I am awful at keeping in touch in the states, can't imagine how I'll be when I have unpredictable internet and electricity.  I figured whenever I had internet, I’d post and everyone would know I was still alive J!